Then there is the case of a friend whose facebook statuses reflect a level of despair in direct correlation to the distance between the two of them. Something like 'Life is good' means she is in town; 'Ain't no sunshine when she is gone' means she just left town; 'Not having the best of days' means the wifey won't be back for a while and the local maxima ' highly demotivated these days', I'm scared to even speculate where it goes next. Although his is a special case of MoIP (Married over IP) and warrants a separate blog post (coming soon) and even though he participates in online activities and tries to sneak back into the cool singles club, the distinction is almost always apparent.
A similar case is of Humpty Dumpty who works with me. Even a hint of 'extra curricular' activities elicits the annoyingly regular response of 'gar nicht' (no way). I mean, come on dude. You can't even go out for a little ice cream with the rest of the gang? Are you afraid it won't taste good enough if you go out with the rest of us mere mortals.
And don't even get me started on the girls. Don't. I might get into trouble for that :P
I respect the connection married people share with their spouses. It's a wonderful thing. They should consider themselves lucky. But remember that before you got hitched, you used to be individuals. Not part of some two headed entity that cannot function if separated. Being such needy saps accomplishes nothing expect rubbing it in the face of us singles that you got there first. So stop crying already and come to the party.
For those reading between the lines, you got it right. I am single (and available :P) and enjoying life in the ever decreasing ranks of the singles club.